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Blog #4: DYNAMITE! Crash as a Dynamic Character!

A dynamic character is someone who undergoes an important, internal change, such as a change in personality, attitude, or perspective. This change is a result of the action in the plot as a character encounters conflict, and he or she is changed by it. Dynamic characters tend to be round characters, and their various traits and beliefs are what bring them into conflict within themselves or against other forces. As the character resolves the conflict, he or she is changed, and is therefore a dynamic character!

Crash Coogan is revealed through the story to be a dynamic character, as he undergoes changes at the end of the novel as he resolves the conflict within himself and with others. What is Crash like at the beginning of the novel? How has Crash changed? Using the writing techniques learned in class, write a strong, descriptive paragraph that starts with a topic sentence, provides an example, quote, and an explanation for what Crash was like at the beginning of the novel. Then, write a contrast statement to explain what Crash is like at the end of the novel, a quote as evidence, and then an explanation of that quote. Sum it up with a concluding sentence.



Mrs. Israel’s

6th Grade Class

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